Theses & Dissertations

Library Submissions
School of Graduate Studies

USU Libraries is committed to the preservation and open access publication of USU theses and dissertations. As part of this commitment, USU requires that all final theses and dissertations be made available in Digital Commons, USU's institutional repository (IR).

Submitting Your Thesis/Dissertation

Doctoral/Master’s Plan A

Doctoral/Master’s Plan A students will submit their work to the School of Graduate Studies and do not submit directly to DigitalCommons.

  1. Complete the Thesis/Dissertation Format and Style (F&S) form on the SGS website.
  2. After your thesis/dissertation is reviewed by the SGS, they will send the final approved copy to the Library. (See the SGS website for their requirements.)
  3. The Library will check you have met their deposit requirements (if you have an embargo, see that section below.) They will then send an email to notify you and the SGS that all degree requirements have been met.

Master’s Plan B

Master’s Plan B students will submit their work directly to DigitalCommons.

  1. After you have successfully defended your Plan B, and your committee has approved the final version of your report/creative project, upload your Plan B to Digital Commons.
  2. Click on the “Submit Research” link in the sidebar on the left at
  3. Login or create an account.
  4. Read and accept the Submission Agreement if you agree.
  5. Fill in the fields according to the instructions for each one. Watch the video below for more details.
  6. Once you have uploaded and submitted your Plan B to Digital Commons, your submission will be approved by your advisor and the Library, and published online. Then the Library will send an email to notify you and the School of Graduate Studies that all degree requirements have been met.

Master’s Plan C

The degree requirements for Plan C Master’s do not require you to submit your work. However, If you would like your work to appear in DigitalCommons@USU, please follow the same steps as Master’s Plan B.

Embargo Process

Students may choose to embargo their thesis/dissertation, restricting its electronic release. In cases of embargo, a physical copy will still need to be deposited with the library.

To start this process, please submit the Embargo Form. An appointment with a library representative is required in order to submit a physical copy to the library. You will receive an email from when it is time for you to make an appointment.

If you are unsure whether or not you should request an embargo, please talk with your advisor.

Changes to Your Thesis/Dissertation

Once deposited into USU's IR, your thesis/dissertation becomes part of your official academic record. No changes can be made once your thesis/dissertation has been approved by the School of Graduate Studies and deposited.

However, students may request to include an addendum to the completed and deposited document.

  • The addendum requires the support of the thesis/dissertation chair and written approval from the Vice Provost for Graduate Studies. The author must submit a written request to the School of Graduate Studies including the proposed addendum and a letter of support from the dissertation chair.
  • The School of Graduate Studies will forward the addendum and approval to the Library, which will be added to the record in the IR.

Bound Copies

USU no longer requires bound versions of theses and dissertations, except in cases of an embargo.

Students may order a bound personal copy of their thesis/dissertation for $20.00 plus $4.00 for each cover pocket (as needed).

  • To request binding services, please bring a printed copy of your thesis/dissertation to the Checkout Desk.
  • Bound copies will be available for pickup at the Checkout Desk once back from the bindery.

More Information on Bound Copies

  • Drop off, payment, pickup: Circulation Department, (435) 797-2678
  • Binding Process and Status: Tyler Roche,

Finding Theses & Dissertations

From USU

All USU theses/dissertations since 2008 should be digitized and available through the USU Digital Commons.

From Other Institutions

The Digital Dissertations database has dissertations and some theses available in full text. If unavailable through this database, students may place an order for a copy through Interlibrary Loan.