Library Accessibility
Getting Help with Library Resources
In cases where electronic content is not fully accessible, USU Libraries are committed to making reasonable accommodations and providing remediated, accessible versions for library users with disabilities. To request an alternative format or other accessibility accomodation, use our accessibility request form.
For help with accessing print materials and textbooks, or for other accommodations related to coursework or accessibility issues on campus, please contact the Disability Resource Center.
Assistive Technology in the Library
The JAWS screen reader is available on every computer in the library's computer labs, including the Information Commons Labs and Sci-Tech Lab. Please refer to the Disability Resource Center's computer lab accessibility website for information on assistive technologies available across campus.
Library Accessibility Statement
USU Libraries are committed to providing collections, services, and facilities that are accessible for all library users, including those with disabilities. We strive to comply with USU’s Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) Accessibility Policy and follow the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) 2.1 standards in the development of our website and online services.
Accessibility is also an important factor in our collection development guidelines, which seek to acquire resources that meet or exceed a AA-level of conformance with WCAG 2.1. For resources that do not meet this level, we work closely with vendors to address specific problems and advocate for accessibility in the design of their platforms and content.