Podcast Booth

Production Equipment

Podcast booth

A podcast booth is a dedicated, acoustically treated space designed for recording audio content. The podcast booth is constructed of sound dampening materials, a professional microphone, recording equipment and software to ensure clear and crisp sound without background noise. The primary purpose of a podcast booth is to provide an environment that enhances production quality, enabling podcasters to create professional-sounding episodes. These booths are used by individuals and teams to produce a variety of content, including interviews, storytelling, educational programs, and discussions on diverse topics, thereby ensuring a polished final product for their audience.

Intro Video



Turn on computer outside of booth and log in.


Launch Focusrite Control and either Adobe Audition or Audacity.


Sign into student account (Audition only).


Match audio preferences to ASIO USB input (Audition only).


Adjust input knob on audio interface to desired mic level.


Arm and record audio.


Save and export file when recording is finished.

Detailed Instructions