Pardon Our Dust As We Welcome the Office of ABLE!
September - December 2024
What is ABLE?
The Office of Academic Belonging & Learning Excellence is a unit within the Provost’s office which focuses on student retention and completion. ABLE focuses on working with students who benefit from additional supports as they navigate their studies at USU.
In order to make room for ABLE, we must convert four group study rooms located on the second floor into office space. While we recognize this is may be disruptive, we are very excited to have this wonderful office located in the second floor of the library to help our mission of ensuring students' success.
Construction Timeline
Currently, we anticipate construction to last from September to December 2024, with the new ABLE office and study rooms open to students in January 2025. Should there be any unexpected changes to this timeline, we will update this webpage and notify students on social media accordingly.
Additional Study Space Construction
To compensate for the loss of group study rooms located on the second floor, we are building four new group study rooms, two on the 3rd floor and two on the fourth floor. This means construction will take place simultaneously on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors.
What Does This Mean For You?
Due to the extent of this construction, this means study rooms or study spaces may be temporarily unavailabe to you. There also may be more noise than usual on certain days, which may be disruptive to your studying.
We understand this temporary construction may be inconvenient to students who utilize our quiet space to study, read, and relax. We will do our best to contain any disruptions, such as notifying students of days when we anticipate construction to be particularly noisy.
Sensory Kits & Ear Buds
The front desk has a limited supply of Sensory Kits, complete with noise cancelling headphones, light sensitivity glasses, and fidget toys. If the noise is particularly disruptive for you, we will also have ear plugs available for free.
Opening Additional Study Space
To compensate for the temporary loss of study space, we are working hard to open up additional study rooms on the first floor. We will update the Study Room Reservation portal when they are available.
Be In The Know!
Follow us on Facebook or Instagram to receive construction updates!