October 12, 2021

Ithaka S+R Graduate and Professional Student Survey 2021 FAQ

Ithaka S+R Graduate Student Survey FAQ

What is the Ithaka S+R Graduate and Professional Student Survey?

The Ithaka S+R Graduate and Professional Student Survey is a web-based survey that allows graduate students at Utah State University to express their attitudes and practices related to the library and its role in their academics, coursework, and research. It also seeks their perspective on any housing or food insecurities they have experienced during their time at USU. Additional information about the survey can be found on the Ithaka S+R website.

What can the USU Libraries and School of Graduate Studies learn from the survey results?

The survey seeks graduate students’ perspective on a range of topics, including: how they engage with and perceive the Library; and any food or housing insecurities they may be experiencing. In particular, this survey will help the Library and School of Graduate Studies gain insight into how our students work in rapidly changing environments.

The specific survey topics include:

    • Academics, coursework, and information practices
    • The role of the library
    • Library space planning
    • Basic needs

How will the USU Libraries use the data?

Their responses will help inform future decisions about services, programs, collections, spaces, and other resources at the USU Library for graduate and professional students. We hope that this survey will help inform campus planning and decision-making with respect to resources and support for graduate students.

Previously, the USU Libraries fielded the Ithaka S+R Faculty Survey in Spring 2019 to further inform planning and decision-making.

Who are invited to participate?

Graduate and professional students from all USU campuses are invited to participate in the survey. Participants will receive a unique survey link in November 2021.

How long does it take to complete the survey?

Approximately 15-25 minutes.

Survey Dates

The survey will open early November 2021 and remain active for approximately 4 weeks.

Questions & Comments

If you have additional questions or comments, please contact the Library’s Assessment Coordinator and Principal Investigator of this study, Lindsay Ozburn, at lindsay.ozburn@usu.edu or (435) 797-0202.

The IRB has determined this project to be Non-Human Subject Research.
Protocol Number: 12237