Online Resources
If you are looking for more information about data management many good online sources are available.
The online resources available to help you learn about research data management range from the Coursera five week, sequential course to primers and a question bank managed by experts in data management.
If you can't find something here among the modules and training offerings, contact us to see if we might know of another source to help you.
Online Resources
- MANTRA: Research Data Management Training
Produced and maintained by the University of Edinburg, this site has modules on many aspects of managing research data. For example, you can select from topics such as file formats, organizing data of storage and security. - Data Management Short Course for Scientists
ESIP (Earth Science Information Partners) in cooperation with NOAA and the Data Conservancy have compiled the resources for this course. Although some of the information is a little dated, much is still very relevant, especially in terms of managing data. - Coursera: Research Data management and Sharing
A five week course designed to provide an introduction to research data management and sharing.
Data Management Modules
- Disciplinary RDM Training
This site lists Research Data Management materials specific to five areas (performing arts, archeology and social anthropology, health studies, psychology, and geosciences, social sciences & clinical psychology). Other courses are listed as well. Maintained by the Digital Curation Centre of the U.K. - DataONE Education Modules
DataONE provides several lessons in PowerPoint format available for download that can be incorporated into teaching materials. Also available are webinars and screencast tutorials.
Other Online Resources
- NISO Research Data Management
NISO, the National Information Standards Organization, created a primer to cover the basics of research data management. - ICPSR Data Management & Curation
ICPSR is an international consortium of more than 750 academic institutions and research organizations and is a leader in providing training in data access, curation, and methods of analysis for the social science research community. This site provides information specifically on Data Management & Curation, but the entire ICPSR site is worth exploring. USU is a member of ICPSR and as such, your data can be deposited to their archive.